Making a Den for Your Dog

It can be very useful to build a den or safe space for your dog to retreat too if they are particularly anxious in certain situations or around firework time. Give your dog time to get used to their den and feel like it is a safe and restful space to retreat to. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Now is the time to start observing where your dog always chooses to relax or perhaps when they have been stressed or spooked in the past they always retreat to the same area? This could be under your bed, tucked behind the sofa, or on a landing that has no windows.

I had a Lab that insisted the only place he wanted to be when fireworks were going off, was in the under stairs cupboard, so it was made cosy and the door propped open a little so he could leave when he wanted. It was central in the house, had no windows and the sofa and TV were alongside it, so it does make sense.

Dogs generally like to be near their people, so it will be the case of organising things so you can be next to or near to your dog.

Use this time to create positive, calming experiences in that area and they have good memories of being there. Play the gentle music you have chosen so it's familiar, although on the night it will no doubt have to be turned up much louder.

You can offer treats and chews in the den on the days that lead up to the event, but if your dog is stressed during fireworks the last thing they'll do is eat and you want to avoid anything that may cause an upset tummy and sudden dashes into the garden.

If they are happy in a crate then cover with a heavy rug or thick blankets, but it is essential the door is kept open and not obstructed, a dog in a blind panic to flee, but is trapped, can cause themselves serious injury.

Please read the other blogs re: Anxious dogs and Firework fear which will also help.